Check out the new post and Do not forget to share...!


For a change in thinking process reading this post is must... I guarantee you it is worth giving your time...!


To learn more about yourself, do not waste your time read this post and share it with your friends....!


A criteria change for classifying Intelligent and Dumb People...!


Anyone in your surroundings maybe needing your help, read the post and be capable of helping them....!


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Need of Pocket Money

 There are many families who don't give pocket money to their kids. It is said as absolutely fine for them. But is it really Fine? Lets try finding it out...!

What is Pocket Money?

Pocket Money is the money given to the children to spend for their own needs. This money is given by their own parents. It can be the money given by some relatives when they come for a visit at your house. Pocket money can be weekly or monthly. 

Need Of Pocket Money

At a certain age of children they are grown up enough to be given the responsibility of managing the needs and budget. Once they are at their teenage, children should be given Pocket Money. This will increase their managing capacity. Children should be able to realize the value of money. They should learn the sacrifice made by their parents because of having less money. 

Why don't Many Families Give Pocket Money?

The Most Famous thing said by people is "What is the need to give pocket money, when we are here to provide everything." This is actually not correct. If you keep providing facilities to your children, they won't have a value for things you are doing for them. Also they will become dependent on you. People don't know the consequences of being dependent. It will make them halt for your facilities in their life. Is it good to halt their progress because of your unavailability? No, it is too bad for them. They should learn to manage things on their own. If the same conditioning is done in a young age then it will be beneficial for them in long term period.

Do's and Don'ts While Giving Pocket Money

  • Do's 

  1. Give Pocket Money Weekly or Monthly
  2. Give the amount they need at their age, not more, not less.
  3. Keep a fixed date and you must be regular.
  4. Tell them to make a record of their expenditure, wherever they make.

  • Don'ts

  1. Don't give them money as much as they want.
  2. Don't spare them money in the middle of the dates.
  3. Don't give them next pocket money until they don't show the expenditure record to you.
  4. If they are lacking some money for buying something don't give them money from your side, instead tell them to manage in the money they have or wait for the next month's or next week's pocket money. This will make them realize what is sacrifice....!
Therefore you need to know the importance of giving pocket money to children and start giving pocket money from today itself. It will definitely make their future bright...!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Most Intelligent Person is The Most Dumbest One...!

Gaining Intelligence is hard? Who said it? Maybe Almost Everyone? Is it so? 
Lets try to find.....


What is Intelligence?

Intelligence is the capacity to find answers to the questions. Answers to the questions are found only when questions are asked. If there are no questions to be asked, there is no need of intelligence. An intelligent person is called intelligent only when he is able to answer questions...

What the Dumb People do?

The dumb people are called dumb because they cannot answer the questions, right? They don't have the intelligence to solve questions quickly, and many more things just like these....

But wait, wait, wait, I was talking some non sense till now. About dumb people, they are just like normal people. The difference is many times they are the ones who bring up some interesting questions to solve for the intelligent people. No one sees this reality, instead they point out dumb people's dumbness. They look for the most simple things which even many great and intelligent people forget. The dumb people have their mind clear not empty. Many intelligent people are distracted in their thoughts. 

The Reality

No matter who is intelligent or who is dumb, the thing that matters is how a person handles any situation he is in. What if we change the criteria of classification for intelligent and dumb? The one who deals with the situation more worse can be called as Dumb, and the one who deals with the situation better can be called as Intelligent. 

The person who will deal with the situation better will definitely not have a distracted mind but a clear mind. It is more often that there is a clear mind in our so called dumb people. Clear mind will lead to presence of mind. Therefore a better presence of mind can lead to a better impact of us on the dealing of situation. 

Therefore, for sure, we can classify the dumb people as Intelligent......

Friday, May 14, 2021

Anger is Uncontrollable?

In this whole world there are many people with anger issues. The common thing they say is "We cannot control our anger... It is not in our hands...!" Is that really true? Lets try to find it out...!

What is Anger?

Anger is a immediate response of a person when something he expected is not completed. That immediate response is not the response that pleases others, instead it is in a tone that may hurt others... So does that mean a person expresses his anger everywhere? 

The answer is 'No'. The proof of this is, When in company your boss shouts at you for no reason, do you express your anger in front of him? You cannot express your anger in front of him. Ever thought of reason? The simple reason everyone knows is he has the power to fire you from the job. 

So, the conclusion here is, you cannot express anger where there is a loss of your own self... 

Where do you express your Anger?

You have seen many times, elders expressing their anger on the younger ones... That is because, the young ones have no much authority to answer them back. Also, they cannot do anything which will cause great loss to the elders. This is the case of most of the people...

So, the conclusion here is, You express your anger where there is no one stronger than you or anyone else cannot cause any loss to you...!

So What to Do?

Firstly, to all the people who think that expressing anger anywhere does not cause any loss, you need to change the mindset. Expressing anger anywhere will definitely cause loss. In the case of expressing anger on the younger people than you, the younger people will for sure have a feeling of taking revenge. This feeling will grow stronger and stronger if you express your anger on a regular basis. Once they grow a bit, they will be connected to the outer world, they will find a way to take the revenge... 

So, basically it is no loss for short term and a huge loss for long term....!

 What is the solution?

Anger is many times just a quick reaction to a useless and meaningless point. We just react without thinking even for once. Just try to create a gap between the situation you are facing and the reaction. Just observe what is going on around me, what am I doing. If you create a gap you will not see an immediate reaction, but a reaction which is made consciously, by taking into consideration all the point of views and also is it really worth expressing anger...!

Creating a gap between moments breaks down the flow of anger and eventually you give a calm reaction. Creating this gap, is the difficult part for most of the people. They cannot create a gap and therefore they say that anger cannot control their anger. No one is ready to sit and find the solutions. Everyone is concerned about their problems. This should be changed. If you don't search for things, how will you find them...! 

Keep this locked in your brain, 'Expressing any negative feeling (anger) will definitely come back to you'.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Be Like Water....!

What is Water? H20? A flowing content of river? A disastrous wave of Tsunami? A Silent monk in the Lake? A soothing Music Maker in a Flowing Stream? A Huge Monster in a dam? Or the beautiful drop of Rain? Maybe all of them? Basically water is the same but it shows its different forms according to its surroundings...!

Most Consistent of All

When Water is in the river, it never stops. It continues flowing. There is no stop to its flow. It shows its consistency there by not halting anywhere for anyone. Maybe somewhere the force is high somewhere it is low. But it never stops flowing..

What can we Learn?

Just like the water, no matter what the speed is, we should always keep working. Following the consistency in the work, we should keep working all the time...

Stronger than the Strongest

A natural disaster never comes before something wrong is done to the nature. Nature keeps tolerating till it is not the most extreme situation... Until it the most extreme point of the wrong things happening to nature it never takes its disastrous form....

But once it takes its disastrous form of a Tsunami wave, the water is so strong that it can even make the tall and strongest buildings collapse... Then there is no one who can stop the water destroying everything....!

What can we Learn?

Just tolerate everything until it not the most extreme level... But be such strong like water that no one can hold you up, once they cross their limits....!

Silent More than the Most Silent

If there is a lake in the surroundings, until the ducks or the birds don't flap in the water, you will not even get that there is a lake present... This is the level of silence of the lake... The one who knows the importance of silence, will know the greatness of the silence of a lake...!

What can we Learn?

Try to be silent when there is no need to talk. Silence is always better than unnecessary noise... Almost everyone knows this quote about silence "Silence is the best answer to silly questions...!"

A soothing Music Maker

The water when flows through a small stream, it has obstacles made up of stones and rocks in its way... So does the water curse the rocks for being in its way? Never! Even when it gets hurt with the rocks in its ways, it still produces soothing music which pleases others.... 

What can we Learn?

Even if there are obstacles in your way, take them positively. Don't blame them for being in your way. Find a way through them...! Also when finding a way don't make the environment of your surroundings unpleasant... Keep a pleasant environment for others in your surroundings and continue doing your work...!

A Huge Monster in a Dam

In a dam, huge amount of water is present. That is controlled by a wall of a dam. We get water to drink due to this huge amount of water. If the wall is broken or if the gates of the dam are opened, that water will destroy the villages of innocent people and will take away the lives of many non - guilty animals and birds....!

What can we Learn?

Our mind is the same monster in the dam... If it is under the wall of self control then it is beneficial too much.... But once the mind breaks the wall of self control, it will cause destruction in the peaceful environment....!

A Beautiful Drop of Rain

Every form of water is incomplete without a drop of rainwater... Wherever the raindrop goes it spreads happiness, a feeling of completeness, also a feeling of wholeness...!

What can we Learn?

Be the raindrop... All your friends and neighbours should feel incomplete without you... Wherever you go, spread happiness, build a bond with people such that they don't forget you at any stage of their life.....

Be Yourself, With Many Other forms which help people and yourself....!!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Social Anxiety...!

 In India around 22% people suffer from Social Anxiety. An increasing problem is the nations youth too... Understanding more of the problems and their solutions is the thing we do here, in this blog. Lets start with what exactly the problem is....

What is the Problem

While a person is suffering from Social Anxiety, he faces many issues like 'Not being able to express his thoughts or emotions with people', having a constant fear of being judged by people, being silent in public even when there is need to communicate and so on.... This leads to not being able to make new friends even when the person's wish is to have new friends. This causes lack of information from people. Lack of Information causes Lack of Opportunities because if you don't get information about an opportunity in any field how will you make progress in that particular field. In other words, Social Anxiety is basically something that doesn't let you be comfortable and normal in a place where there are lots of people who you don't know....

Understanding the cause of the Problem

It is necessary to understand the cause of the problem because it is not possible to find the solutions without understanding the cause. This is caused due to a constant overthinking about you and your personality. Actually overthinking is not bad, Overthinking negatively is bad. Once you start thinking constantly that 'I am too bad','What are people going to think about my body's shape, my hair',etc... This will lead to a lack of confidence. As per a great person, "We become what we think we are!". So negative overthinking on ourselves will make your personality that way....!

How to Overcome?

 As we know the main problem here is Overthinking negatively. So how to control it? 

The first thing to be done is Observe your thoughts. Identify the kind of thoughts going through your mind. After observing them make two columns of positive and negative thoughts. Classify the thoughts. The problem with Overthinking is basically you jump from one thought to other which are related to each other. So secondly find the source of those thoughts. For example - While doing my Math Homework, I was unable to solve a question. I had an immediate thought that 'if I am unable to do such easy questions will I ever solve harder questions than this?' The next moment I thought 'There are harder questions in my exams, can I score good marks in the exam?' The next moment thought will change into something like 'If I am not even able to score good marks, am I even a good student?' This leads to the depletion of confidence. Here if the first thought was positive the whole chain would have been something else. If the first thought was 'Why am I unable to solve this question?' The next thought would have been 'Oh! I think my concepts are not clear' And the next thought would have been 'I will start clearing the concepts by watching some videos so that I will not have any problem in my exams!' This is how it works...

On the judging of people, We need to accept that Imperfection in a human being is his uniqueness. Also ask yourself, what difference is it going to make in my life by their thoughts on me.. In fact, to be honest, neither the people's  positive comments are going to make difference in your life nor their negative comments. Once you start accepting this quality of Imperfection in your life, you will find your Imperfections make you beautiful and creative.

Ever observed yourself while in anxiety? All you do is keep asking yourself, What is going to happen next... Observing your thoughts and trying to know their source will take you to this thought in anxiety 'What is going to happen next?' A change here will totally solve the problem. Instead of a thought that asks about the future, a question to yourself about 'What is happening right now, right here?' will make you realize the beauty of the present time...

Everything depends on how you see the situation. To make your life better take a look positively and live in the present, Anxiety will disappear..!!

Friday, May 7, 2021

Part 1 - In The Search Of Me

We Humans have researched and have known about all the things from the deep ocean as well as on the other Planets. We have gone through and studied the smallest particle of the world. We have developed huge technology that can make anything possible. The thing here to be noted is We know huge number of things, and the irony is We don't know who is that 'WE' who knows huge number of things!

The Importance of Knowing Ourselves

In these days, we are only concerned about what others are doing, how others are thinking also what achievements are they achieving. If this is going to happen, what is the meaning of our life? Ever thought why are we given a life? Even if you thought did you try to find the answers? If we come into this living world without knowing its meaning and if we leave this world without knowing its meaning, then truly there is no meaning to such life...

What to do to Know yourself?

Knowing yourself is given the least importance in our whole life. Instead studying others' lives is given the utmost importance. Even in our exams marks are given for it. The very first thing we learn is answering the question. We are not taught the questioning the answer. In fact in our culture it is said to be a bad trait that you are questioning to someone. It leads to following something blindly without knowing the reason for doing anything... This is what we call as superstitions. We keep following things that have no logic, no sense at present time, maybe those things would make sense at the past times. But as we all know time has changed. 

What do we do if we have to know anything - not necessary its about knowing our own self? Correct, we ask questions. So you can do the same for knowing yourself...!

An Amazing Theory :

Human mind has enough power to think. It can imagine various things. It can calculate too much of things. Now here comes an Amazing Idea, maybe a Question to our existence! 
'We Think Because We Exist to Think' or  'We Exist Because We Think that We Exist'?!!!

To Be Continued.....

Thursday, May 6, 2021

No One Loves Me!!!

"No One Loves Me" ~ A very famous sentence said by many people. Every 1 person of 10 people says that "No one Loves Me". What is the real problem for such people? Lets try to find out!!!

What is the Real Problem

This thing is felt due to something which is called as watching and comparing our lives with others. There is a conditioning of our brain in the very small age of comparing things. When we are small we compare the things of us and others. When we grow up we take the things to a next level which is comparing the type of life, the love that is shown from our people and love shown to them by their people. 

In this comparison we actually forget to observe the beauty of our life. There are different kinds of people - The ones who show their love through words and The ones who show their love through their actions. There is a distance of miles and too much of difference between both the kinds of people. The people who show love through words, not necessary that their actions will prove it. The things which are not proven by actions are never true. On the other hand when people prove their love through their actions have no need to show it off. Observe this reality very carefully. When we are busy comparing our lives with others we never observe our own life and that is the problem. There is no need to explain the solution of this problem. 

What to do if it is Genuine

Now the problem arises when there is no love shown through words nor actions. If genuinely people don't love you, firstly find out the reason. 'Why do people hate you?' When you find the reason, rectify whether is it your mistake? 

If it is your mistake accept it, apologize for it and correct it by putting your own efforts... If it is not your mistake, What can you do?? 

A Change in the Thinking Process

When it is not mistake of yours, there are situations when it is not even the mistake of others. So you cannot blame others. Then What to do? 

It needs a change in the thinking process.Normally, we think that not being loved by anyone is too bad. But as we change this thinking process it becomes like 'No one loves me but what is the need to be loved by someone else?'. You are there to Love Yourself. 

You are made up of your body. Body is made up of organs. Organs are made up of tissues. Tissues are made up of cells. Cells are made up of atoms. So, You are made up of atoms. Also we are living on Earth. Earth is a planet of solar system. Solar system is a part of Milky Way Galaxy. Milky way Galaxy is a part of this whole Universe. So, Ultimately we can surely say that The Universe is also made up of atoms. 

If you are made up of atoms and the whole Universe is also made up of atoms, then what is the difference between You and the Universe. Exactly, there is no difference between You and The Universe. You are the Universe and The Universe is You. So if you Love Yourself, will it be wrong to say that The Whole Universe Loves You? And if The Whole Universe Loves you, How is it possible that 'No one Loves You'. Perfect! It is Impossible!!

If you understood this deep thought process, you will - no doubt - Live a Better Life!!!


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Personality Development : A Tough Task?

 Thinking of Developing your Personality? Firstly Congratulate yourself, many people don't even think of it... There are people who are happy dying with the same old worthless and worst mindset and their personality undeveloped... Ever thought, what is a Personality Development? If not lets try to find out...

What do you mean by it?

Many people in our surroundings say that developing personality means that earning lots of money and having a fear in the mind of other people living in the society about us. There are many misunderstandings in the society. Lets try to put an end to it. Developing your personality simply means that being your own better version after a certain period of time. There are many roles of a single person in his life. So there are different things to work on for a single person. Personality is not how far you go in a field and what success you make there, it's all about with what approach you go in a particular field.

Meaning of Having a Good Personality

Personality is directly connected with your attitude. For a good personality there will always be a learning attitude and for a bad personality it will be an"I know Everything" attitude. Lets call them Student Attitude and Teacher attitude humorously. It is just how a student learns and not every teacher but just like some teachers actually don't know the things still act like they know everything. The learning attitude says that we need to open the windows of our brain by saying "I don't know" to let the cool breeze of Information blow in our brain. Until you don't say "I don't know" you will never take the mind blowing information from outside. This is the problem with teacher attitude that they say "I know Everything". Therefore, they miss out too much of information available for them...

How to Develop Your Personality

"Developing Your Personality ain't easy"~Most of the people who don't want you to develop. Developing your personality needs your strong mindset and the urge to have a change in your life. 

Step 1 towards development :

Never compare yourself with others. The problem here is if you are better than others your ego will increase if not better than others you will feel I am worthless. Instead compare 'you' with 'yourself'. It will make you and your personality better...

Step 2 towards betterment : 

Show a gratitude for everything you get. Use the words 'Thank You' and 'Sorry' with a pure heart and not just for a formality. This will gain a social respect for yourself.

Step 3 for success : 

Have a good learning attitude. Also accept the fact that developing your personality is easy and tackle the things which people say falsely just like you tackle any other obstacle. This will increase your morale. 

So finally I would wish you all the best for your success in developing your personality and never forget that Developing Personality is Never a Tough Task!!!

Depression : An Enemy of Young Generation

Youth Depression : India

 The Country India is looked upon as a 'Young Country'. In such a country it is obvious that the population of the youth here is the most. One may think that the youth of such country is too better with a mental health, but it is not the case with India... The total population of youth in India is 229 Million which is equal to 22.9 Crore. Its such a huge number also the second highest after China being at the Top. For a surprise the 15% 20% of this population is facing Depression... A calculation made easier thing, it is 34350000 of the population facing Depression....

The Actual Problem

First of all we need to find out what is the problem.You might have heard, as per the thoughts of our so called experienced aged people, there are no issues or problems in the childhood or adolescence. But this is not the same old past times. The time when depression did not exist is gone. The Time has changed and so is the World. Some of the Major factors causing Depression : 

Loneliness : A Digital World

Development and Problems are the two sides of the same coin called 'Technology'. If Technology gives you 50% comfort then it gives you the same amount of problems. Just like the Social Media.

'Social Media is a contacting tool for emergencies' this was the aim of building social media. But instead there is a addictive social media built across the world and people prefer using it rather than connecting with the real world. Watching the people's overrated life on social media, children start comparing the life of themselves with the life of people on social media. This makes them feel that their own lives are not worthy whereas the reality is something else... 

Parents : Guiders Or Mis-guiders?

Parents have a great impact on a child's mental condition. Now-a-days as the time has changed, it is not a good decision to be more and more strict towards children. Also, in this age of adolescence, children are more likely to listen to someone who listens to them, exactly they are their Friends...

Many times there are such scenes that Parents keep scolding their children without even knowing their mental condition which makes them hate themselves more. Also a major thing that contributes and leads to depression is the Expectation of parents from their children. Parents make an imaginary picture of a future of the child and try to mould the child in that direction. Conflict arises when the child realizes that he doesn't have any interest in doing what he is doing and he even can't speak it out due to the fear of scoldings of parents...

Lack of Motivation and No Planning of Goals

As children are afraid of talking to parents they feel lonely. And if in such situation there are no friends for the child he will not have anyone to motivate him when in low times. This leads to Lack of Motivation in children. Also not every time the suggestions of friends are healthy. This may lead to a wrong path for a child. Therefore, there is a need to have a proper Plan of Goals. 


So as we all know the major problems now, we need to have solutions for those problems...

There are no problems without solutions. So lets go for it. Effective Solutions for these problems will be : 

Try Using Techno in a Better Way

Rectify your own problem and accept it that I am addicted to social media. Once you do it you got 2 sides. One is Reduce the use of Social Media and other is make your mind up such a way that you know that the life of people on social media is very overrated and it does not affect the way you live. Have the Equal amount of respect for yourself and Live your Life to the fullest...

Parents : The Best Friends

Lets have a switch in the words. Parents neither should be called guiders nor mis-guiders. For the best results, parents should act like the best friends of the children. Reduce the amount of scoldings given to the child. Try understanding his/her mental state.

Be child's Best Friend, listen to them and their problem. Have a Problem solving attitude and not a worrying attitude. Keep the expectations from the child very rational and only those which are possible... This will help reducing the pressure on the child and also maintaining a better mental health. Talking to them as a friend will make them listen to you... They will not be afraid to share their problems with you... 

Once they start listening to the parents it is too easy for the parents to keep them motivated and on their track focusing on their goals... Ultimately this is the most effective solution for the eradication of depression from the Young Generation.... If the mental health of the Youth is better they will have a better future... If they have a better future, they will contribute to the progress of the nation. This is a very important issue to be conquered by us. Don't stay back and have a worst mindset... It is for the future gems of the Country....!