
Saturday, May 8, 2021

Social Anxiety...!

 In India around 22% people suffer from Social Anxiety. An increasing problem is the nations youth too... Understanding more of the problems and their solutions is the thing we do here, in this blog. Lets start with what exactly the problem is....

What is the Problem

While a person is suffering from Social Anxiety, he faces many issues like 'Not being able to express his thoughts or emotions with people', having a constant fear of being judged by people, being silent in public even when there is need to communicate and so on.... This leads to not being able to make new friends even when the person's wish is to have new friends. This causes lack of information from people. Lack of Information causes Lack of Opportunities because if you don't get information about an opportunity in any field how will you make progress in that particular field. In other words, Social Anxiety is basically something that doesn't let you be comfortable and normal in a place where there are lots of people who you don't know....

Understanding the cause of the Problem

It is necessary to understand the cause of the problem because it is not possible to find the solutions without understanding the cause. This is caused due to a constant overthinking about you and your personality. Actually overthinking is not bad, Overthinking negatively is bad. Once you start thinking constantly that 'I am too bad','What are people going to think about my body's shape, my hair',etc... This will lead to a lack of confidence. As per a great person, "We become what we think we are!". So negative overthinking on ourselves will make your personality that way....!

How to Overcome?

 As we know the main problem here is Overthinking negatively. So how to control it? 

The first thing to be done is Observe your thoughts. Identify the kind of thoughts going through your mind. After observing them make two columns of positive and negative thoughts. Classify the thoughts. The problem with Overthinking is basically you jump from one thought to other which are related to each other. So secondly find the source of those thoughts. For example - While doing my Math Homework, I was unable to solve a question. I had an immediate thought that 'if I am unable to do such easy questions will I ever solve harder questions than this?' The next moment I thought 'There are harder questions in my exams, can I score good marks in the exam?' The next moment thought will change into something like 'If I am not even able to score good marks, am I even a good student?' This leads to the depletion of confidence. Here if the first thought was positive the whole chain would have been something else. If the first thought was 'Why am I unable to solve this question?' The next thought would have been 'Oh! I think my concepts are not clear' And the next thought would have been 'I will start clearing the concepts by watching some videos so that I will not have any problem in my exams!' This is how it works...

On the judging of people, We need to accept that Imperfection in a human being is his uniqueness. Also ask yourself, what difference is it going to make in my life by their thoughts on me.. In fact, to be honest, neither the people's  positive comments are going to make difference in your life nor their negative comments. Once you start accepting this quality of Imperfection in your life, you will find your Imperfections make you beautiful and creative.

Ever observed yourself while in anxiety? All you do is keep asking yourself, What is going to happen next... Observing your thoughts and trying to know their source will take you to this thought in anxiety 'What is going to happen next?' A change here will totally solve the problem. Instead of a thought that asks about the future, a question to yourself about 'What is happening right now, right here?' will make you realize the beauty of the present time...

Everything depends on how you see the situation. To make your life better take a look positively and live in the present, Anxiety will disappear..!!