
Friday, May 7, 2021

Part 1 - In The Search Of Me

We Humans have researched and have known about all the things from the deep ocean as well as on the other Planets. We have gone through and studied the smallest particle of the world. We have developed huge technology that can make anything possible. The thing here to be noted is We know huge number of things, and the irony is We don't know who is that 'WE' who knows huge number of things!

The Importance of Knowing Ourselves

In these days, we are only concerned about what others are doing, how others are thinking also what achievements are they achieving. If this is going to happen, what is the meaning of our life? Ever thought why are we given a life? Even if you thought did you try to find the answers? If we come into this living world without knowing its meaning and if we leave this world without knowing its meaning, then truly there is no meaning to such life...

What to do to Know yourself?

Knowing yourself is given the least importance in our whole life. Instead studying others' lives is given the utmost importance. Even in our exams marks are given for it. The very first thing we learn is answering the question. We are not taught the questioning the answer. In fact in our culture it is said to be a bad trait that you are questioning to someone. It leads to following something blindly without knowing the reason for doing anything... This is what we call as superstitions. We keep following things that have no logic, no sense at present time, maybe those things would make sense at the past times. But as we all know time has changed. 

What do we do if we have to know anything - not necessary its about knowing our own self? Correct, we ask questions. So you can do the same for knowing yourself...!

An Amazing Theory :

Human mind has enough power to think. It can imagine various things. It can calculate too much of things. Now here comes an Amazing Idea, maybe a Question to our existence! 
'We Think Because We Exist to Think' or  'We Exist Because We Think that We Exist'?!!!

To Be Continued.....

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